Custom Fabrication, Design and Personalisation

SSO has years of experience with the design, prototype and fabrication of  solutions for moving and storing everything including Passport printers and large pieces of art. 

A broad knowledge of different products and procedures helps us to work with you to find a solution for whatever problem you have.

Custom ute canopy shelves and Storagetek cases
Custom Handtrucks By SSO Handling & Storage
Custom modified wire cage trolley by SSO

If for some reason we can’t help you, there’s a good chance we know who can, and we are happy to refer you so you get the service you need.

Sean Profile photo 2

Sean Holden
Manager – SSO Handling & Storage
Phone02 6299 3942
E-mail[email protected]
2/205 Gilmore Rd,Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620